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Susan Vance represented us in winning two Fifth Circuit appeals concerning the breach of a $135 million oil and gas lease sale agreement.  Joining the trial team after some adverse rulings, she quickly understood the case, identified an important new argument, and got it into the record, positioning the case for success on appeal.  Both appellate briefs were very well written and Susan’s oral argument was clear and effective.  Susan was great to work with and we would highly recommend her.

Ronald G. Gentzler

General Manager and Counsel, Preston Exploration LLC

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"I had the good fortune to work with Susan Vance on an extremely complex oil and gas case in which our common client faced a judgment of over $65 million. After repeated adverse results in the trial and appellate courts over a 20 year span, our client turned to Susan who overcame long odds and secured review in the Texas Supreme Court, where she brilliantly argued and obtained a reversal of the judgment."

Craig Price


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"Susan does everything well. She has the intellect to penetrate to the center of the problem, the legal skill to explain it to clients, other lawyers and judges, the courage to set out the problems clearly, and the grace to do so pleasantly without increasing the tension inherent in any litigation. She is a great lawyer and a compelling mediator."

David Woolley
Certified Appellate Specialist, California.